Report of a Red backed Shrike at Cambois destroyed what little work ethic I had and off I set having delivered tea to the folks. I pitched up to find the road into the village blocked by Police and Firemen so parked on the edge and wandered up the disused railway line being the site of previous twitches for Marsh Warbler (success) and Golden Oriel (dipped). Half way along and still no sight of the bird I spotted Tim and Maurice with A N Other who obviously had the bird in their sights so I back tracked to avoid flushing what they were viewing and joined them to get distant views of the bird as it repeatedly perched and dropped to feed. Spent a good half hour hoping it would move nearer in which time I found that Mr Other was actually a Lost Geordie. Small world this blogging lark. Hopefully he got some good digiscoped pics. These shots were the best I got just after the bird had taken a lizard into the bush moving around the base to find a good spike to impale it on and rip it apart. Nice.....
Local Update....
23 hours ago
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