than proven wrong. Had a look down Prestwick Carr in excellent light yesterday afternoon and found the Weasel again plus a couple of Water Rail plus BG and some friends looking for owls. Just as the light went at 3.30 one started hunting in the middle area to be shortly joined by three others so they haven't gone although I remain puzzled by their lack of activity in the preceding week. Never mind my garden is heaving with birds looking for food at the moment.
Last weeks peak count was
2 Blue Tit
3 Robin
3 Blackbird
25 House Sparrow
25 House Sparrow
17 Starling
3 Dunnock
9 Chaffinch
4 Great Tit
2 Greenfinch
2 Collared Dove
12 Jackdaw
2 Goldfinch
2 Magpie
5 Tree Sparrow
1 Wren
2 Rook
1 Fieldfare
1 Crow
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
1 Song Thrush
2 Reed Bunting
1 Pied Wagtail
1 Pied Wagtail
making 22 species which was supplemented yesterday by a new bird for the garden list.

3 Common Gull arrived on my back roof attracted by some scraps I had put out. Shame the garden is north facing making photography awkward at this time of year with little light, frozen windows and contrast problems from the snow.