Sunday, 24 August 2014

Back to a neglected patch

After a couple of months off due to circumstance an enforced walk back from the garage on Friday saw a return to my normal routine. The patch was very much as I left it if a bit yellower, more overgrown and quiet in the sense that there were no singing birds other than the occasional Wren. A family of Buzzards in the wood made plenty of racket and there was contact calls from the many juveniles present overhead and in the hedgerows particularly flocks of Swallows, Goldfinch, groups of Bullfinch and scalding tacks from Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler and a family of Blackcap which is the first time I've managed to prove breeding of this species on the Carr. Plenty of photo opportunities you may think but the results of Fridays and Saturdays efforts were all deleted as problems with my lenses continued (or maybe it's just the shakes and that my eyesight has gone).
Red Admiral and Peacock Butterflies were about when the sun shone and a hatching of Wall Brown counted 14 basking on the bridletrack. A Weasel with prey, Common Darter made up the count with an unusual summer record of Grey Wagtail overhead edging the PC list to 103. Very dry so little hope of passage waders although a Curlew called from the range. Hopefully Stonechat and Whinchat will put in an appearance as they return to wintering grounds and I dream of a rare warbler.

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