For the last two weeks whilst observing Short eared Owls on the Carr there has been a constant passage of Starlings overhead from west to east between 3.15 and 4.00pm. Flocks of 10 to 500 in various formations and at various heights totaling 2000+ subject to the weather. This has been a regular occurrence in recent years but having checked the roosts at Brunswick, Gosforth Park and on the pylons running alongside the A1 no joy till tonight with some spare time I decided to try and intercept the flocks mid way. Parking next to the airport inner marker on the road down to Big Waters there was the murmuration over Big Waters. I reckon 5-10,000 birds but always difficult to assess so some time spent watching the birds gather may give a better estimate and some decent weather wouldn't go amiss.
Relaxation on OtterCam
13 hours ago