Back after six months of twittering. 2016 saw 112 ssp for me on the Carr with addition of Little Egret to the list an overwintering Great Grey Shrike and the late addition of White fronted Geese on 28:12. This post will remain photoless as there have been at least three Short-eared Owls present since 27:11 but never hunting in daylight. Crepuscular MY ARSE
Here is the sightings list date / time appeared / number seen
27:11 16.02 3
28:11 16.02 1
29:11 16.04 1 16.20 2
30:11 16.20 1 16.24 2
01:12 16.14 3
02:12 wet
03:12 15.00 1 perched hunting 16.15 3
04:12 15.57 1
05:12 16.20 1
06:12 16.18 1 16.24 2
07:12 16.20 1
08:12 16.09 1 16.20 2
09:12 16.16 1
10:12 16.03 1 16.09 2
11:12 16.17 2
12:12 16.09 2
13:12 16.06 1
14:12 16.05 1
15:12 no show
16:12 16.17 1
17:12 16.07 2
18:12 16.16 1 16.18 2
19:12 16.06 1 16.10 2 16.14 3
20:12 16.15 1
21:12 16.15 2 16.22 2
22:12 15.30 2 16.15 3
23:12 wet
24:12 16.15 1
25:12 windy
26:12 hols
27:12 14.30 2 perched but not hunting till 16.00
28:12 no show
29:12 16.30 3 new roost site so possibly missed them yesterday
30:12 16.25 2
31:12 16.15 2
01:01 16.18 1 16.20 3
Given the regularity of three seen as they get lost in the darkness the possibility of more but why they only feed in the dark is a puzzle. Perhaps they haven't read the guides.