Down to Prestwick Carr this morning to start the new list. 112 last year but it was an exceptional year and I would imagine in 365 days I’ll be looking around the 100 mark if I’m lucky.
The morning was cold, dank and dull which seems to have suppressed the bird life but as I approached Mayfair Cottage the mournful sound of a small flock of Golden Plovers overhead got me in the mood and reminded me why I am so drawn to the place.
The dog walkers and cyclist had, like myself, made a slightly later than normal start and the stillness was calming as I watched a Buzzard looking for an easy meal, hopping from round bale to round bale which, due to the recent flooding, are still stranded in a sodden field.

Did I say silence? No and for good reason as part of the charm of the place is you can stand there gazing at natures wonder, almost in a world of your own whilst the gentle hum on traffic on the A1 to the east is occasionally reinforced by a train travelling the main line. Jets warm their engines at the airport to the south and eventually the tumult grows as they roll down the runway and up to sunnier climes. And finally the sirens of emergency services heading to yet another incident on the A696 to the east…………strange place this Carr.