Friday, 26 March 2010

What you lookin at?

A misty Thursday evening didn't look very promising but standing chatting to Bill heard a snatch of Chiffchaffing to make No70 on the list and while trying to line up a singing Skylark with the half moon, a Sand Martin flycatched through the frame making No71 on the Prestwick Carr 2010 list.

The goats weren't particularly impressed but things were looking up in all senses. AF then phoned me saying the Barn Owls were flying behind his mums house so off Bill and I traipsed to Prestwick. We soon picked up an owl which flew along the road toward us before veering of into the field past me and then crossed back between Bill and I.

I don't really think he needed those excellent Zeiss bins but he sure got a great view!

The bird continued to fly up and down the road for the next half hour, occasionally perching on the fence behind the hedge but was clearly aware of our presence and never gave such a generous show again. We did see it catch vole which it tried to eat but was pushed of the perch by this wretched Crow.

Great night and some Barn Owl pellets to boot.


  1. Look's Bicycle Bill !!!!! oh and there's a Barn Owl as well.
    Its about time this icon of Prestwick Carr made an appearance on this blog. I think that mist yesterday spoilt a few birders plans, i know it did mine.

  2. Who needs a zoom. Pics like these are fantastic bringing the real experience to the viewer as opposed to just another bird close up. Belting stuff. It's like I was there. Thank you.
