Having to work three out of the four days over Easter did not impress me greatly and the limited opportunities to whip the camera out had varied results. Some birds just love to show and others just don't. The male Sparrowhawk just thinks it owns my garden but I must clean the kitchen windows to get a clearer image.

The Redstarts at Prestwick Carr continue to eveade the camera although he's singing regularly and she I presume is on the nest. I did however find four just south of Milbourne church on Sunday but they stayed mobile and between the light and me so silhouttes were the order of the day.

Then chasing Crammy birders Wryneck at West Hartford found a Grasshopper Warbler territory where the bird almost showed. Better than any of the Prestwick Carr individuals which always stay low in the grass habitat.

Also at West Hartford I flushed the Green Sandpiper before I got a shot but a pair of Wheatear showed well although always kept their distance.
Last night a Marsh Harrier was around Prestwick Carr which I missed by two minutes making it the third I have not seen this year and compounded by the Osprey I missed on 2nd April. It's nice Bill keeps me up to date with what hasn't been added to my list which bumped up to No 87 with House Martin.