Monday, 3 December 2012

Nice Willows

An amazingly restrained title considering what I could have said but I'm not one to pander for hits although am intrigued by what titles attract. For instance 'Cheating' got an increased number of viewings from Columbia, United States and Canada. I doubt they got what they wanted.
Things like putting Hattie Jacques name in the title worked well and SEO meaning Short eared-Owl but also search engine optimisation was an accidental bonus but I'm puzzled why 'Post after post' attracted over 1500 hits from Ukraine. I can only suspect it accidentally got caught up in european football..................of course Goal post! Duh!
Anyway I love my tits and the Carr is always a good place for a view but even Big Waters now has them although they have to put leg irons on them and keep them caged!

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