Tuesday, 17 January 2012

A rare sight these days

No not him, this............

looking east

looking west.

Just Robin and I left at on a calm, quiet evening at 4.00pm. The sun had just set, the hoards departed early after the owls failed to show and I was left to contemplate life and its complexities. Where exactly had numerous owls disappeared to? Plod (hardly in his 4 wheel drive) had played a fleeting visit earlier. Was foul play suspected or was it possibly due to complaints about the parking at the road ends.

MH had found the Shrike way over near the main road and it was just visible from my location but only because it's grey and sits on the highest branch possible. As I waited for the Owls Robin played around my feet and fed on some seed left by the visiting folk. Confident little chaps when the weathers cold.
Did the owls appear? Well lets say that three clear nights on the trot with a hunters moon mean they have full bellies and don't need to hunt during the day so adding a fourth session wouldn't be so unexpected.

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