The last few days warm weather have seen many signs of Spring which no doubt will ignore the cold snap threatened for the weekend. The gardens growing, my Collared Doves are nesting and on Thursday the Robin was in full song at 1am in the morning.

They're cheeky chappies but the choice of sticks always seems to be on the long side so maybe we'll get a decent nest compared to some of the flimsy affairs last year.
I met Harry on the Carr last night who mentioned the hedgehogs in his Ponteland garden had emerged and were taking food as was the Fox.
This particular animal apparently has a liking for hens eggs which it takes away to eat and fortunately Harry can provide some out of date morsels rather than the fox having to raid any local hen houses.
With owls still flying in good numbers although over a much wider area than previously Prestwick Carr has been pretty busy of late.

The voles in the favoured area around the roost site must have been exhausted and now the birds are hunting the roadsides and the area west and north of the bumpy road. One flew through the beam of my headlights the other night flying toward the airport so I hope any collisions with car or plane can be avoided.