in every sense of the word but no not this one. It’s debatable whether he / she should be out of the nest yet. What I mean is the Prestwick Carr list has stagnated whilst all you folk on the coast or with a nice large lakes are nearing, or have, the ton up! What I need is a flash flood so I guess its August September again before I catch up. Not to worry there was a trickle from the dyke this morning when driving to my regular torment in the form of taking the parents shopping, a Green Woodpecker flew out of the trees at Venture farm and off east. Just within my defined catchment area but all the same it’s
89 Green Woodpecker
Was woken just after 5.00 am this morning as the young Jackdaws in my front tree received their first feed and the adults squabbled over access. They have reached an incredible volume and must surely fledge soon and not before time you’ll hear my neighbours say although the spuggies will soon regain pride of chirp in the dawn cacophony.
89 Green Woodpecker
Was woken just after 5.00 am this morning as the young Jackdaws in my front tree received their first feed and the adults squabbled over access. They have reached an incredible volume and must surely fledge soon and not before time you’ll hear my neighbours say although the spuggies will soon regain pride of chirp in the dawn cacophony.

Turned up on the Carr this evening for a quick look and the Great Tit nest in a signpost was also giving it what for… (or should that be where’s my…) To my selfish dismay the sun had brought out horse riders, cyclists and walkers in abundance along with a middle aged couple re-living teenage love. Now I’m not against that per say and indulged myself just four years ago but my current opinion on shows of affection in public is aligned with the Ayatollahs (based on the political principle that if I’m not getting it, you shouldn’t. MP’s take note). I’ve had a number of interesting sightings of lesser love birds on this particular patch but I digress.

Also on station tonight were a Stonechat pair at their favourite gatepost and earlier in the week I confirmed the Redstart pair were feeding young so hopefully more good news to come. Out early tomorrow when my wake up call service get fed.