Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Parrot fashion

Pontelands Rose Ringed Parakeet seems to have becomes Prestwicks of late and can be seen on the same window cill most days as posted by Liverbirder last week. A good few birders have picked up on it travelling back and forth from the Carr where it represents an opportunity for a novelty tick if they've dipped on real species previously. (RRP was removed from the county list apparently)
I am informed by the locals that it used the cill last year shortly after the building was completed (designed (crammed onto a small plot) by myself) but disappeared when the owners moved in. This year it is feeding on the Horse Chestnut opposite, bringing the buds back to this location to eat. Nice and sunny with a good view of the passing traffic who could crash if they notice it given the potholed road conditions.
ACo has a theory that the bird is seeing its reflection in the glass behind and possibly thinks it's feeding a mate hence the gunge on the window. That then may indicate it is lonely.

Bank Holiday morning was spent atlasing, finding more places I never knew existed and then after some work finished up near the range where things were quiet in the cold wind but the Tawny Owl was on its usual roost. That's six out of nine days recently and I didn't check two of those. Also found camouflaged Sedgedunum Warbler and Howdon blogger in the undergrowth.


  1. Peter,
    didnt see the RRP last night when we left, must be the only people to visit PC in the last few days not to have pics of it yet. Even in camouflage our good looks and personality shone through so that you could recognise us.


  2. Peter,
    Spent the best part of an hour looking for the Tawny but it escaped me and that was just after Bill confirmed it was still there. Visit to Specsavers I think.

  3. Was Howdon Blogger there last Night???? I didn't see him!!

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