Saturday 27 November 2010

Frozen food

It was a Christmas card scene every way you looked this morning and after a brief snow flurry at 9.00 the sun came out and allowed some better photo opportunities than the flat cold light earlier. Not so many birds about today although still recorded 35 species with by far and away the most abundant being Meadow Pipit at 30+, closely followed by Pied Wagtail all feeding on the frozen floodwater. When I got to Mayfiar Cottage a small flock of Lapwing lifted of the field and there remained a single solitary Hare.

Looks like it's praying for better weather but it could really take some lessons in camouflage from its Scottish relatives! Other mammals seen were Stoat with prey, Roe Deer, Fox and Rabbit so the white stuff has some benefits for the observer if not the observed.

Reed Bunting also seem fairly adaptable to the harsher weather and I noted Blue Tit and a pair of Willow Tit still feeding on exposed bark so the food supply hasn't been iced up just yet. Plenty of berries too so Fieldfare were about especially up the range bridleway where 50 - 100 fed along with a few Redwing and Starlings.

I wish these little blighters would stay still for as moment though. This was the only shot that was close to bad. Watched a snow storm head down the coast as the planes taking off from the airport did climbing turns to avoid flying through it then filled my boots trying to get that Christmas Card Robin shot but I think the light won.

On the way home 38 Pink footed Geese flew south showing a good deal of good sense but I noticed there was an interloper among them. Greylag I assume due to size although it does appear very pale.

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