That's Spoony and Sandy up the coast yesterday. Four Spoonbills at Druridge Pools could not be resisted despite the lack of fuel in the car so I headed North quickly checking on the Avocets at Cresswell before joining the gathered throng at the Budge screen for a fine view of these handsome birds. Two slept and two fed whilst I swapped notes with ADMc but after an hour the wind chill was getting to me so I headed onward. East Chevington was scanned for Little Gull to no avail so further on to Hauxley where I spent an hour trying to capture Sand Martins in flight.
Then a return trip witnessing a Harrier food pass whilst stuffing my own face with Chopped Ham and Pickle Sarnies and a second visit to Druridge where the Spoobills were having a communal wash and brush up which was nice to see. The resulting photos were less than successful ( see Birding Sometimes for JM's quality shots) but all had a painted quality so I've added a bit of canvas grain to the Spoonbills to cover up a myriad of faults.
Four Spoonbills? That's just greedy!