No don't worry folks I'm not getting kinky. The statement is more a bit of investment advice as this weather is taking its toll on guttering and conservatories everywhere. The neighbour to my left has lost rear gutter and eaves whilst neighbour on the right has lost guttering and soil pipe whilst my own rear gutter is severely twisted and the eaves in the process of failure. I watched yesterday as the snow melted just enough for a huge slab of snow to be supported of this tiny piece of plastic until eventually gravity won sending gutter and snow to the ground. Not too bad I suppose as I know of at least three conservatories where snow has plunged through the glazed roof the installation of snow boards having been sadly neglected over the last decade. Anybody with an eaves / gutter repair service is going to be very busy when the white stuff eventually turns to water and no doubt the insurers will be putting up their premiums for those inadequately prepared.
As for birds, the garden has been very busy with additions to the weeks garden list of Great Spotted Woodpecker, Crow, Rook, Woodpigeon, Coatl Tit, Wren and the first Yellowhammer for a good while. That's 23 species so far with first winter Common Gull almost making the list but couldn't work out how to make a safe landing and a Snipe doing a close fly past.
Better still the seen from garden list added Jay all of which you will have noted managed to avoid having their images captured. The only half clear shots were the easy ones for which I may as well have been shooting in black and white.