Not strictly true as there was quite a bit about when I visited yesterday lunchtime. Loads of geese both Canada and Greylag, 8 Grey Heron, Shelduck with plenty of young (one a creche of 22), Wigeon, Gadwall, Mallard and Tufted Duck in good numbers, Coot and Moorhen also with young, Oystercatcher, Redshank a couple of Dunlin and the usual loafing Black headed Gulls, Sandwich Tern but best of all four Little Gulls. I was suprised the Avocets had gone but got down to some observation of the Gulls especially this individual coming into full plumage.

Unfortunately they spent most of the time sleeping until there was a commotion as an Oystercatcher on the far side of the pond fell prey to a female Peregrine who proceeded to have lunch on the bankside. I watched with the others in the hide for just under half an hour until she left with the alarm calls from the remaining Oystercatchers sending the gulls now numbering six Littles up and away.
Oh well, off up to Drurdige where there were no Spoonbills but a Grasshopper Warbler reeling at the entrance to the hide path showed for a brief moment.
Not much other than some juvenile Black Headed Gulls in front of the hide so after a quick check on Hauxley and East Chevington where I could find no Roseates although another Little Gull was present but too distant to bother raising the camera so back to Cresswell.
Four Little Gulls again but all distant until after two had left one started to fly closer to the hide and I managed a few shots capable of enlargement. I had been joined by
Vee who likely got some better results despite having some problems with her equipment.

We spent a good hour soaking in the atmosphere and discussing why Cresswell and East Chevington attract so many 1st winter Little Gulls but so few adults. How, I ask do birds in their first full season know this is the place to come or is it on some Little Gull super highway from the breeding grounds to their feeding sites

Whatever it's very nice to see them.